Personalisation Tags

Below is a list of the tags you can use in your mailing, they can help you personalise the email without having to manually write out each one, when using these, it is always a good idea to use the  1   Send a test to mebutton to make sure that the tags are working correctly

Tag Description Example
<admin_subject> The subject of the email address in the Mailings setup The Monthly E-Newsletter
<admin_email> The email address of the "reply to" in the Mailings setup [email protected]
<admin_site> The site name of the Emailsend account Neubreed Design
<admin_company> The company name of the Emailsend account Neubreed Pty Ltd
<user_email> The email address of the person receiving the email [email protected]
<user_fname> The first name of the person receiving the email John
<user_lname> The last name of the person receiving the email Smith
<user_unsubscribe> The subscribe link that the person receiving the email can use to un subscribe from the list Click here to un subscribe

Advanced Customisation <slot> Tags

These tags need to be inserted directly into the temaplate, they will create slots and allow you to add your own custom text when it comes time to build your mailing.

Tag Description
<slot name="intro" toc="false" limit="0" length="0">
A standard text slot that would create a text box to input content, the name is the name of the slow, the toc is table of contents, the limit is the amount of text boxes that are allowed to be created (0 = unlimited) and the length is the amount of characters that are allowed (0 = unlimited)
<header>Intro text</header> This is the title for the slot text box
<description>Description text</description> This is the body for the slot text box
<file type="image" limit="0" /> This is a file tag which allows files to be uploaded type is the type of file. Allowed file types - jpg, png, gif, .pdf, txt

Example - 1. Slot tag with Header and Descirption:

<slot name="businessname" toc="false" limit="1" length="0">
<header>Introduction header</header>
<description>Description text here.</description>

The above code would produce a text box that doesn't have any limits on the amount of characters allowed, but would only allow for one topic box to be created, this is good for an intro heading with some lead in text

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